Understanding Your Accounts (Students)

Depending on what type of student you are, you may have several accounts and email addresses. In some cases these are separate accounts, and your passwords may be different. Each account gives you access to different resources (see tables below).

Before You Start:

All users of Wharton Accounts are required to agree with Wharton's Account Policies.

Need an Account?  See Create Your Wharton Account & Create Your PennKey Account.

Graduating Soon?  See  Graduating Students: Account Transition Information.

Change your Password? See Change / Reset your Password.

Credential Used


PennKey (University-wide)

  • Google@Wharton*
  • AirPennNet Wireless network
  • Campus Groups
  • Canvas
  • Career Management
  • Course Match
  • Dropbox
  • Library databases and resources
  • MyWharton
  • Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)
  • Penn+Box
  • PennInTouch (transcripts, tuition bill)
  • Path@Penn (academic records, financial aid, and student profile)
  • Public Technology and Virtual Lab
  • Virtual Meetings (hosted by Zoom)
  • Wharton Account Management
  • MyPenn (formerly Wharton Connect)
  • Zoom

Wharton Account

  • MyPrintCenter (printing service)

*Note: If your account was created before December 2023, your Wharton Account credentials will be used for your Google@Wharton account

You will not have access to Youtube, Google Maps,  and Chrome Extensions with your Google@Wharton account.

Your Google@Wharton account will, however, grant you access to Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets,  Google Calendar, Google Chat, etc.


Contact: Wharton Computing Student Support

Email: support@wharton.upenn.edu