All about quizzes (Classic)

As of July 20, 2024, the location for entering due and availability dates for assignments and quizzes has moved to a new panel which slides out from the right side of your browser after you click:

  1. The Assign To button which now appears to the left of the Edit button on any assignment or quiz page:
  2. The Manage Assign To link, available when you've already begun editing an assignment or a quiz, at bottom:
  3. Or the Assign To command menu choice, available under the "three-dots" button for items in the Assignments or Quizzes tab. 
This article provides an overview of using the original quiz feature in Canvas LMS, known as "Classic Quizzes".

Before You Start 

You will need a Canvas site. 

Quiz Basics

Quizzes are formal exams or surveys, and can be graded or ungraded. To create a quiz:

Recommended Instructions for Students

We recommend providing  the following information in all quiz instructions:

Configuring Take-Home Quizzes

You can 1.) prepare normal quiz questions; or you can 2.) have the students download a document containing the exam and then upload a document containing their answers to the quiz. 

To create a file download quiz:

Previewing a Quiz

You can preview a quiz, to get an idea how it will appear to students, by clicking on the quiz and choosing Preview. Please keep in mind that a preview may leave out a few details of the student experience; for more accuracy, try student view.

Regrading Quizzes

Occasionally you may need to change an answer after students have taken the quiz. 

Revealing Results to Students

Consider the following when deciding what to reveal to students:

Enabling Additional Attempts for Students

Occasionally you may want to give a student another attempt at a quiz. Here's how:

Downloading Student Responses

If you need to download student responses from a quiz (such as for a survey), you can do so through the Quiz Statistics.

