All About Assignments

As of July 20, 2024, the location for entering due and availability dates for assignments and quizzes has moved to a new panel which slides out from the right side of your browser after you click. 

  1. The Assign To button which now appears to the left of the Edit button on any assignment or quiz page:
  2. The Manage Assign To link, available when you've already begun editing an assignment or a quiz, at bottom:
  3. Or the Assign To command menu choice, available under the "three-dots" button for items in the Assignments or Quizzes tab. 
We're awaiting fully illustrated guides from the vendor.

This article covers the basic and advanced features of assignments and assignment groups, as well as downloading files students have submitted to an assignment.

Before You Start 

You will need a Canvas site. 

Assignment Basics

When creating an assignment,  you can take advantage of the following features:

Advanced Features

Assignments offer a number of advanced features.

Assignment Groups

Enhance your grading with assignment groups.

Download Submissions

Download the files students submit to an assignment.

Discussions as Assignments

Discussions are a  good option for certain kinds of assignments and learning activities in which students are required to interact with each other.

TIP: Use student view to see assignments as students do.

