Rules of Engagement (ROE): Troubleshooting Issues

Rules of Engagement (ROE) is a simulation that is used in MKTG department courses. If the ROE simulation screen doesn't behave as expected, follow these steps to troubleshoot.

Before You Start 

You will need  the following before you can complete this task: 

  • Access to the Canvas Course using ROE
  • Launch ROE using the steps located on this KnowledgeOwl page.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Chrome is the preferred browser.  Switch to Chrome if you're using a different browser.
  2. Refresh your browser.
  3. Completely exit out of your browser, and relaunch ROE from the Modules tab of the Canvas course.
  4. If ROE seems slow, close your other windows or tabs. (Web apps generally work better if there are no other browser windows or tabs opened.)

Still Having Trouble?

Contact the Learning Lab at with your class, section, and question.

More information on the ROE simulation is on our Learning Lab website.