This guide will help you choose a smartphone or tablet that will work well in Wharton's online environment. It will help you configure your device to work with your Wharton email account, and with other Wharton-related mobile apps.
Steps for Purchasing a Mobile Device
- Choosing the right device: There is a vast selection of smartphones and tablets to choose from, limited only by those that your mobile carrier provides. Before purchasing a device, we recommend you research product features, performance specifications, and user-submitted reviews. A positive or negative review could help determine which device is right for you.
- Choosing the correct data plan: To access your Wharton email account on your phone you will need to purchase a data plan or have access to WiFi. We recommend that you speak with your mobile carrier about the types of data plans they offer in order to decide what would best fit your needs. Normal user activity involves:
- Sending and receiving email
- Web browsing
- Calendaring, scheduling, and accepting appointments
- Accessing useful Wharton applications, including online meeting software such as Zoom
Mobile devices that will best work with your Wharton email account
Wharton Computing does not recommend one specific brand of mobile device. However, the guidelines listed below should help you determine which type of device will best suit your needs. Both iOS and Android devices perform equally well within the Wharton environment.
The iPhone can:
- Sync email, calendar and contacts with your Wharton account.
- Connect to Penn's wireless network, AirPennNet, for Internet WiFi connectivity (requires iOS version 11 or later).
- Access Canvas course sites -- see what's new/what's due, subscribe to your Canvas calendar -- using the Canvas iPhone app. (Canvas requires iOS version 13 or later.)
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Android Devices
Android devices, such as Samsung's Galaxy, can:
- Sync email, calendar and contacts with your Wharton account
- Connect to Penn's wireless network, AirPennNet, for WiFi connectivity (Android OS 2.1.x and later)
- Access Canvas course sites -- see what's new/what's due, subscribe to your Canvas calendar -- using the Canvas Android app (requires Android version 6 or later)
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- Email, Calendar and Contacts for Android (Google@Wharton)
- Connecting to AirPennNet (follow this link on your Phone)
iPad (all versions)
The iPad can:
- Sync email, calendar and contacts with your Wharton account
- Connect to Penn's wireless network, AirPennNet, for Internet connectivity (iOS 11/iPad OS 11 and later)
- Access Canvas course sites -- see what's new/what's due, subscribe to your Canvas calendar -- using the Canvas iPad app. (Canvas requires iPad iOS version 13 or later)
Note: If you buy a tablet, we don't recommend using it as your primary device. While it can be useful as a way to access some of your course materials, you will still need to purchase a laptop or use the Wharton public computers to access certain programs that aren't available through tablets yet. However, many students have found the iPad to be useful in class and for accessing electronic course materials.
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