Printing at Wharton: Options, Locations, and Cost

This article provides information regarding the logistics of Wharton Printing.

Printer Locations

All public printers throughout Wharton are now Ricoh Multi-function Devices (MFDs). They can:

  • Offer options of Black & White or Color
  • Print Documents
  • Make Copies
  • Scan to Email
 Campus BuildingLocation in Building
JMHH ForumPrinter Row: F76-A, F76-B, F76-C
Adjacent to Printer Row: F76-D
JMHH 2nd LevelHallway: 279-B, C
JMHH 3rd LevelHallway: 379-B, C
Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall

Student Support Office: 107-A
Ground Floor Lobby: 107-B

Academic Research Building 
1st Floor Printing Area: 110-A
2nd Floor Printing Area: 210-A
Lauder Fisher Hall
2nd Floor Lauder Library: 203-A
Lippincott LibraryVPL-201-A
Tangen Hall
2nd Floor: 200-A

Wharton Printing Account

To print documents at Wharton, students will need a Wharton printing account with sufficient funds (Wharton print credits and/or PennCash).
  • Full-time Wharton MBA students receive an initial free (& non-refundable) credit balance of $40 at the beginning of each semester.
  • Full-time Wharton UGR students receive an initial free (& non-refundable) credit balance of $20 at the beginning of each semester.
  • Wharton MBA for Executives students should contact their program office for information on print credit balances.
  • Wharton Staff should contact their Wharton Computing representative for information on print credit balances.

PennCash v. Wharton Print Credit

Wharton Printing credit (provided to Wharton students) is always used first -- your PennCash account will only be debited once your Wharton Printing credit is exhausted. Non-Wharton students taking a Wharton class have printing accounts that draw funds automatically from their PennCash account.

  • Add Funds: You can add funds to your PennCash account online at the PennCash website.
  • Two ways to view your print balance:
    • Tap your PennCard at one of the printers
    • Navigate to MyWharton > All Links > Print Credit Balance

Graduating Students & Refunds

  • Wharton Printing Credit: Non-transferable and non-refundable; carries over from semester to semester.
  • PennCash: Upon graduation, any remaining PennCash funds will be reimbursed to you through your bursar's bill. Check your PennCash funds here.

Cost of Printing

Black & WhiteColor
Double-Sided Sheet 
(2 pages)
Default SettingDouble-SidedSingle-Sided

Printing from a Public Workstation

For instructions on how to print to a Wharton printer from a public workstation, see Public Resources for Print, Scan, and Copy

  • Time-Limit: Documents sent to the print queues are held for 5 hours and can be released from any printer.
  • Duplex Default: Documents are set to duplex print by default. To print single-sided, select the single-sided option from the print options before sending, or at the printer display panel when releasing.

Printing from a Personal Laptop or Mobile Phone

For instructions on how to print to a Wharton printer from your personal computer or mobile phone, see Mobile Printing: Print from Mobile and Laptop

Specialty Printing Needs

For specialty printing, such as bound course packs, bulk printing, large format, or specialty papers, there are several options around campus.  Popular choices include Campus Copy on Walnut Street and UCS in Houston Hall.

Name cards are available at UCS in Houston Hall for $1.50/card. Please call them at 215-558-6420 or email at two hours ahead, and they should be ready for pickup. 

UCS is located at 3417 Spruce Street, Lower Level, Philadelphia, PA 19104.

Questions or Issues?

Please see our Public Printing Troubleshooting guide here.