All about Canvas groups (for instructors)

Canvas Groups are an important element in many of the more collaborative, extemporaneous uses of Canvas. Use Groups to apportion each unit with assignments, repositories and other collaboration features for use in-class and in hybrid sessions. This article describes how to create, manage, and use Canvas groups.

Before You Start 

You will need a Canvas site for your course. 

Creating groups

Canvas allows you to create groups for students to work on projects, term papers, or any other assignment in which students work collaboratively. To create a group:

Linking groups to assignments

Once a group is created, instructors can deliver group assignments - with either group grading or individual marks per contributor. Learn how to link a group set to an assignment. 

Joining groups

Students join groups through the People tab, but you should be aware that their view differs from that of an instructor.

Imported groups

Check carefully to ensure that all copied group assignments are linked to existing group sets in People. During a course site import, all group Assignments will be assigned to a single group set called Project Groups.

Edit groups

Once you have created a group set, you can edit it at any time by going to People and clicking on the Group tab. Click on the 3 dots button and Select Edit.

Move a student into a different group

You can move students within groups. Changes should be made before assignment submissions start. If you want to move a group member with a graded submission, you may want to clone the group set instead.

Managing groups

Groups have their own "sub-sites" that contain Files, Discussions, Announcements and a few other Canvas features. 


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