Wharton students can borrow laptops and select other equipment/technology for free.
Loaner Laptops
Wharton Student Computing offers loaner laptops for Wharton students that need a laptop while theirs is either in the process of hardware repair, or they are currently purchasing a replacement due to hardware issues and do not have access to another machine. The maximum loan time is five business days, but in some circumstances may be extended if the student's laptop is still out for repair. Due to the limited resource pool, the Wharton Student Computing loaning program does not allow students to sign out laptops for other activities, however in some cases there may be consideration for special circumstances such as exam taking if there are available machines. Before a student may sign out a loaner, they must provide proof their current machine is being repaired or proof a replacement has been purchased. A laptop cannot be borrowed if classes are not in session.
Availability of loaner laptops is extremely limited. To request a loaner laptop, please email support@wharton.upenn.edu to see if any are available to borrow.
Only current full time Wharton students may borrow a laptop. Penn students taking a Wharton class are not able to borrow a computer from Wharton Student Computing.
Penn Students
If you are a Penn student and are living in one of the college houses, College House Computing does offer a loaning program. For more information on borrowing a laptop, please visit the CHAS website.
Weigle Information Commons
WIC offers a wide arrange of equipment available to borrow from Laptops/MacBooks, laptop/MacBook chargers, computer cables, keyboards, mice, phone chargers, adapters, dongles, and much, much more. This service is available to all Penn students.
Vitale Digital Media Lab
You can also borrow a wide range of audio-visual equipment from the Vitale Digital Media Lab in Van Pelt library. This service is also available to all Penn students.
Contact: Wharton Computing Student Support
Email: support@wharton.upenn.edu