All about New Quizzes

As of July 20, 2024, the location for entering due and availability dates for assignments and quizzes has moved to a new panel which slides out from the right side of your browser after you click:

  1. The Assign To button which now appears to the left of the Edit button on any assignment or quiz page:
  2. The Manage Assign To link, available when you've already begun editing an assignment or a quiz, at bottom:
  3. Or the Assign To command menu choice, available under the "three-dots" button for items in the Assignments or Quizzes tab. 

Canvas's New Quizzes offers benefits, such as printing and one-time accommodation entry per course, which improve upon the original feature set for Classic Quizzes.

Before You Start 

You will need a Canvas site. 

Creating a Quiz

To create a new quiz...

Question Types

Your quiz can include a mix of automatically and manually graded questions.

Item Banks

Use Item Banks to pull all questions or a specific number of questions randomly from a pool. This is a good way to add variety to the exam and/or keep similar questions together. 

Exams with File Downloads

Use Classic Quizzes if you need to share a link to an exam file that students can access only during the exam. If you need to use New Quizzes instead, you can create a link to the exam file by using the following instructions.

Publish the Quiz

Before you publish the quiz, be sure to:

Viewing and Grading Online Quizzes

  • Use Moderate to view student submissions, add more time or attempts for individual students, and to reopen a completed quiz.
  • Add a score for any manually graded questions in SpeedGrader. (Final quiz scores cannot be directly edited in the Gradebook.)

Regrading Questions

You can regrade any automatically graded question, but this should be done only after all students have finished taking the quiz. When you regrade a question for one student, the change will be applied to all students who received that question.

Releasing Scores

When you are ready for students to see their submissions and the correct answers, you should:

Enabling Additional Attempts for Students

Occasionally you may want to give a student another attempt at a quiz. Here's how:

