Hybrid Instruction in Wharton Classrooms

This article is meant to help with recommendations, best practices, and guidance for hybrid instruction in Wharton classrooms. All classrooms at Wharton are outfitted with enhancements to improve the hybrid teaching experience for both the instructor and the audience, whether in-person or remote.

For more in-depth information about the technology in the classrooms, please see this article: Using Technology in the Classrooms.
First Time Teaching Hybrid? If this is your first hybrid teaching experience please reach out to Classroom Technology or your Wharton Computing representative to set up a training session.

Hybrid Instruction

In this article, hybrid instruction refers to teaching from a Wharton classroom to both an in-person audience as well as a remote audience, synchronously. 

Classrooms have been equipped with specific tools and technology to specifically help with hybrid instruction.

  • All tiered classrooms have a mobile cart which includes technology to enhance hybrid instruction:
    • a confidence monitor - use this to confirm the experience that remote attendees are having, or display additional content to the instructor
  • Zoom is installed on all classroom computers for quick access from classroom technology.
  • Classrooms have enhanced audio equipment which will help remote students hear (in a natural way) the conversations between the in-person audience and in-person professor as they happen in the classroom.

Classroom Setup for Hybrid Instruction

To help ensure the best experience for both remote and in-person participants, there are a few steps that the instructor can take when beginning class:

  • Log in to the classroom computer first. Log in to the classroom computer (even if you plan to use your own laptop or tablet) so the technology will know who you are and engage the full scope of resources available for your instruction.
  • If using Zoom, log in to the Zoom client on the classroom computer and start your session there. This makes the host of the Zoom session the classroom computer and allows you to take full advantage of the classroom equipment specifically for Zoom.

After you log in to Zoom you need to configure some Zoom settings to make sure you can use the additional display options in the room:

  1. Join any meeting, and go to General > Settings 
  2. Check the box for dual monitors, to activate the dual monitors
  3. Set Noise Suppression  to Low
  4. Under Advanced Audio Setting, set Echo Cancellation  to Auto 
  • Remember to share your content with both remote and local students by sharing your screen. This needs to happen in the room by displaying your presentation on the projector screens in the classroom, as well as within the web conferencing application via screen sharing.

  • Use a lapel microphone to make sure all of your speech is captured by both the classroom and the remote participants. Classrooms are equipped with enhanced audio via ceiling mics and a powerful lectern mic, but the lapel mic will capture everything even if you walk away from the lectern. The lapel mic will also help prevent your speech from sounding muffled if you are wearing a mask.

Best Practices and Recommendations

There are a number of suggestions that will help provide you the best experience with hybrid teaching:


Having trouble? Try these quick tips, or contact Classroom Technology using the information below.


Call Classroom Support:  (215) 573-0402

Email: class-tech@wharton.upenn.edu

Scheduling or room reservations: scheduling@wharton.upenn.edu