Linking to Articles and Files

This article explains how to link to files from assignments, pages, or other places on your course site.

Linking to Articles on the Web

To link to a publicly available article on the web:

  1. Copy the web address of the article.
  2. Begin to edit the page or assignment where you want the article link to appear.
  3. Create a hyperlink in the Rich Content Editor, then save changes.

Not all publications post their articles on the web in a way that facilitates easy linking; some may use paywalls which either allow limited free access (e.g., just one article or a limited number each week or month) or prevent free access.  

You may be able to find a link to a licensed web-based copy of the article in Lippincott Library's database. The Lippincott librarians are happy to help you with article links.

Linking to Files (prior or new course uploads)

To link to a document you uploaded to Files:

  1. In Canvas, begin to edit the page or assignment in which you want the link to appear.
  2. Create a link to a course file, then save your changes to that assignment.

