Setting Up & Managing Devices

How to choose, set up, and maintain your devices to work in the Wharton Computing environment.


Whartonization Guide: Start Here
Follow the instructions below to set up your laptops and mobile devices to assist you as a student in the Wharton environment. If you have any questions or prefer in-person help, email our Student Support team at . ...
Caring For Your Laptop
How to take care of your laptop.
Virtual Tech Center Appointments (Students)
Student Tech Support appointment scheduling and policies.
Technology Support Options (Students)
The following article outlines the various forms of IT support available to students. If you are a Faculty   or Staff (login required), please contact your Wharton Computing representative. Wharton Student Computing Wharton Computing supp...
Laptop Buying Guide (Students)
Before purchasing a laptop, students should ensure it is optimized for the Wharton computing environment.
Student Support Quick Start Guide
The purpose of this Quick Start Guide is to provide direct links for the software needed during Whartonization. Student Support highly suggests following through the full Whartonization Guide found here . Quick Links for Windows: AirPe...
Buying Guide - Can I use my current / company computer? (Students)
This article attempts to answer two specific questions we often get from incoming Wharton students. See our full Laptop Buying Guide  for complete information on buying a computer.  Can I use my current computer? New Wharton students should con...
Penn Educational Discounts for Technology Purchases
All about the Penn Computer Connection (our campus computer store).
Mobile Device Buying Guide
Guide to choosing a smartphone or tablet that is compatible with Wharton's environment.