Updated Articles

  1. Activating Your Zoom Account

    Penn offers Zoom as our video conferencing solution for all students, faculty, and staff. In order to activate your account, you must log in at least once with your PennKey. Activate your Zoom Account To activate your Zoom account: V...
  2. Set Your Primary Email Address in Penn Directory

    Many software services at Penn rely on an email address for identifying you.  For this reason, you will need to choose a primary address and and enter it in the Penn Directory. Before You Start   You will need one or more of the follow...
  3. Laptop Buying Guide (Students)

    Before purchasing a laptop, students should ensure it is optimized for the Wharton computing environment.
  4. WeConnect

    Using WeConnect Before You Start   You will need to:  Be an active Wharton Executive MBA Global student  Have a PennKey username and password                         &...
  5. Managing notifications in Canvas (Students)

    A quick overview of setting notifications and recommended settings in Canvas
  6. MBA Pre-Term 2023 App

    Wharton MBA Class of 2025 students: Welcome to Wharton!  To help you navigate MBA Pre-Term, we've created a mobile app for you.  It contains your cohort's schedule throughout Pre-Term along with other information.  Additionall...
  7. Exam Accommodations

    This article describes how to use Canvas to grant students additional time and extended availability windows for exams, which, in Canvas, are called quizzes .  If a student in your course has an approved accommodation from Student Disabiliti...
  8. Setting Up an Out-of-Office/Vacation Message in Gmail

    Out-of-office or vacation messages are a great way to let people know you may be delayed in getting back to them, or that your email address is changing. Google offers a service for Gmail users that allows for automatic out-of-office replies. Wharto...
  9. Qualtrics Account

    Qualtrics can help you create and distribute business/customer surveys, collect results, and analyze results. Full-time Wharton faculty, staff, and students are eligible for a Qualtrics account as long as their PennKey account remains active (studen...
  10. Video Conferences

    How to use Wharton's video conferencing solutions: Zoom and BlueJeans.