Asynchronous Teaching Using Canvas and Panopto
Asynchronous teaching leverages pre-recorded lectures published in a place where students enrolled in the course can easily access them to flip the classroom . Panopto, Wharton's recording tool, allows instructors to seamlessly capture, edit, an...
Upload Video Conference Recordings
Some instructors may want to upload the recordings of their Zoom meetings separately from the automatic posting of scheduled class meetings in Canvas . You'll need to first download the recording from the Zoom interface and then upload that file to...
Editing Videos in Panopto
Whether you've recorded the videos with the Panopto Recorder app or using another recording source such as Zoom, you can edit the content once it is uploaded to Panopto. If you have content that needs to be uploaded, review the Upload Virtual Meeti...
Zoom recording autodelete to be enabled on 1/20/21
Beginning Wednesday, January 20, 2021, recordings stored in Penn Zoom that are older than 120 days will be deleted from Zoom’s cloud storage. Starting on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 Penn Zoom will auto delete cloud recordings older than 120 days...
Zoom Recordings
Zoom allows you to record meetings in two ways:
Cloud recordings are stored in your Zoom account and are available for streaming from a browser or download to a computer.
Local recordings are saved on your computer and are only avai...
Captioning Service
Professional captioning and transcription services for files with an audio component via 3Play are available to Wharton organizations (with a budget code) and Wharton student groups. To take advantage of this service: Wharton Faculty, Student...