

Logging into Zoom
Before You Start   You will need the following before you can complete this task:  Penn Zoom account - In order to activate your account, you must log in at least once with your PennKey. When logging into Penn Zoom, the three most impo...
Zoom FAQ
Questions and troubleshooting tips that will help you use Zoom meetings at Wharton.  Some early adopters at Wharton created Wharton Zoom accounts, but now the accounts are managed by Penn. If you still have a Wharton Zoom account you should mig...
Installing the Outlook Add-in for Zoom
The Zoom Outlook Add-in makes it easy to create Zoom meetings without having to leave Outlook. There is also an Outlook Zoom plug-in , which is an application and which we do NOT recommend installing. The Add-In is a native integration in Mic...
Sharing Your iPad or iPhone Screen with Zoom
Zoom on a Mac or PC allows you to share the screen of an iPad, or iPhone , with your meeting. This enables you to use your iPad as a whiteboard that your fellow meeting attendees can see, or you can show a PowerPoint presentation from your iPad and...
Wharton Virtual Backgrounds
Your computer must meet the system requirements in order to use Virtual Backgrounds. Zoom supports “ virtual backgrounds ” – pictures or movies that can be set as your background to obscure whatever is behind you on camera.  A variety of W...
Using Zoom Webinars
In this article we'll provide best practices and resources for each Zoom Webinar role. Before You Start   You will need the following before you can complete this task:  An invite to a Zoom Webinar Students will need to contact their Program ...
Checklist for Migrating Staff and Faculty Wharton Zoom Accounts to Penn
Faculty and Staff who created a Wharton Zoom account will need to migrate their accounts to Penn's Zoom account.  Most have already migrated their accounts since the service was implemented at the Penn level in September of 2020, but a few accounts...
Zoom Meeting Security
The best way to deal with disruptive behavior in a Zoom meeting is to prevent it from happening in the first place. This article details several ways to secure your Zoom meetings and how you can quickly deal with disruptions in an active Zoom meet...
Zoom AI Companion
Zoom AI Companion is a suite of Zoom features powered by Generative AI designed to make your Zoom meetings more productive. All Zoom AI Companion features are off by default . This article describes each feature and details how to enable them fo...