Canvas Access and Course Sites
A quick overview of logging in to Canvas, finding your course sites, and adjusting notifications.
All about Canvas Groups (Students)
How to join and use Canvas groups.
Assignments and Quizzes
Information on submitting assignments on Canvas.
Calendar and Appointment Sign-ups
Information on signing up meals or appointments in the Canvas Calendar.
Class Recordings
The term "class recordings" refers to recorded course sessions, most commonly those recorded automatically in Wharton School classrooms. To manage these recordings, the University runs a video content management platform from a supplier, Panopto; ...
Files, folders and Study.Net materials
Information on using files and Study.Net in Canvas.
Submitting Videos on Canvas
How to submit video assignments in Canvas.
Viewing Class Recordings in Canvas
Before you start
You must be enrolled in a Canvas course site that is set up to distribute class recordings.
To view class recordings
1. Click on Class Recordings . ( If the Class Recordings tab is not visib...
Managing notifications in Canvas (Students)
A quick overview of setting notifications and recommended settings in Canvas
Preparing to Take an Online Exam
Taking an online exam can be convenient and can make answering certain types of questions easier, but it adds some preparation work. We've compiled some recommendations for you to make sure technology doesn't get in the way! It may feel overwhel...
How To Customize Your Canvas Dashboard
Instructions on how students can customize their Canvas dashboard and make it easier to find their courses. Students can also search for recent course activities and create Course Card nicknames.